VAT update: Sale and leaseback of residential buildings
HMRC has recently issued Brief 13/2021 in response that aligned with the Supreme Court decision in Balhousie Holdings Ltd , which experts have analyzed in a two-part series. The experts that offer Outsourced Accounting Services India say that zero-rating mainly applies to constructing a new building for "relevant residential purpose" and for "relevant charitable purpose as recipient disposes of the building within ten years from completion, a self-supply charge is triggered. The disposal occurred mainly in consideration of sale and leaseback arrangement in order to raise finance for the ongoing operation of the care home in the case of Balhousie as the fairness would insist that such an arrangement does not trigger the self-supply charge. However, the experts that offer Outsourcing Bookkeeping Services say that the Supreme Court disagreed. What looks ahead with HRPC? The HMRC Brief 13/2021 makes two points, one of which is contentious while the other seems helpf...